English 4, Post 7, 'Changes to my study programme
Honestly, I have various criticisms of the study programme that we have, mainly I think that we have subjects that are simply to be used as filters, such as "electromagnetism" that although it is a scientific subject, it is a totally different area, it is a subject that someone who studies physics or related fields should know, but as biochemists or any other career of the faculty, in our professional life he will never see again.
Also speaking of the same subject, the amount of matter is a lot. And personally, the subjects that concern me are because I entered biochemistry to learn about microbiology and genetics, but those subjects are seen until the 3 or 4 year of career, so anyone who enters the career with an investigative spirit, will be a bad surprise to have to study subjects focused more in chemistry than on pure research, but that I think is already more a problem of student choice, for the same reason I am thinking of changing to another career than have a more bioinvestigative approach.
I don't have much to say about the use of infrastructure and technology, the times I have entered and used the faculty are counted on the fingers of my hands. So any comments on that should be done when I already have a good amount of times going, which I hope finally happens this year.